What are Chakras in Animals
From a young age, animals are taught by their mothers about the ways of energy. Energetic boundaries or lack of between animals and their companions, the ability to sense danger, and the knowledge at identifying something that does not fit in right are a few examples. Watching animals you may also notice that the way a mother takes care of her baby is remarkably similar to the way an energy healer works. She will naturally hold certain areas of the body or rub the spine, or move her baby’s head up and down with her neck. It may be a stretch from the distinct areas she is working with, that she is helping to balance her baby’s energy centers.
Balancing your animal’s energy centers will go a long way towards their overall health and well-being. There are major benefits for the digestive tract and the functioning of all the internal organs and systems as a whole, as well as the structural system. The benefits are increased by the fact that this re-balancing is not only working on the physical level, but also helping emotionally, mentally and behaviorally to decrease stress, restore life and increase feelings of safety and willingness.
In animals, there are 7 to 8 main energy centers, each relating to different areas of the body, different ailments and different behaviors when out of balance. These energy centers are also known as chakras. A chakra is described as an energy hotspot, usually located along the center line of the body, which communicates with all the other centers about the overall health of the body, mind and spirit. In this way, an imbalanced chakra may display imbalance not only physically but also emotionally and behaviorally.
- Root chakra (red) The root chakra (red) is often referred to as the first chakra, as it is the main chakra displayed when we arrive into the world. As a baby, this chakra is working non- stop to ensure our survival. Food, shelter, family, and general safety are just some of the priorities of this chakra. We have all met animals that are experiencing imbalance in the root chakra. These are the animals that are constantly on the look-out for danger, who are bound to their herd, who have trouble feeling safe and calm outside of their comfort zone, and who display aggression over food. It can also be related to physical imbalances of the spine, kidneys, adrenals, and back legs. When balanced your animal feels calmer and more able to adapt to his surroundings without reverting to survival mode.
- Sacral chakra (orange) The second chakra is often referred to as the sacral chakra (orange). This is the chakra which is responsible for our creativity and sexuality, and when out of balance it can translate into digestive or hormonal imbalance, lower back pain, bladder problems or even issues with possessiveness or jealousy. It is located in animals in the area across the hips.
- Solar plexus chakra (yellow). The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra (yellow). A chakra related to self-esteem and confidence, willingness, and digestion of experience, this chakra shows its imbalance through lack of will, low energy, digestive discomfort and overall toxicity. The solar plexus is located in front of the diaphragm in the upper abdomen.
- Heart chakra (green). The fourth chakra is our balancing energy center, the heart chakra (green). This chakra is often out of balance when an animal is grieving or when they have experienced past abuse. By drawing attention to this chakra through energy work it is possible to release some of this trauma. It is also related to the thoracic vertebrae, heart, lungs, and immune system. You can access this center from between the front legs, the front of the chest, or just before the withers.
- Throat chakra (blue). The throat chakra (blue) is located in the upper throat area (just behind ears and jawline). It is related to expression and communication, and translates physically into the health of the front feet and forelegs, respiratory system and throat area.
- Brow chakra (indigo). The sixth chakra is often referred to as the brow chakra (indigo) and is located directly between the eyes. Responsible for intuition and concentration, an imbalance in this chakra may display itself in the nervous system, eyes, nose, or in headaches and a lack of concentration.
- Crown chakra (violet). The seventh chakra in animals is called the crown chakra (violet) and is related to wisdom and connection. This chakra is aptly located on the crown of the head (in horses this is behind the ears). When out of balance your animal may display a feeling of depression or lack of energy or excitement. On a physical level, they may be experiencing a headache or a sensation of being foggy headed.
- Brachial chakra (white). Unique to horses, an eighth energy center not present in humans called the brachial chakra (white). This is located at the junction between the shoulder and neck and is important for any horse who has experienced trauma in their lifetime.
Each chakra has distinct qualities, but is connected to all the other chakras. Working with one chakra can only enhance the balance and functioning of all the other chakras.
Bringing these energy centers into greater balance will help to increase flow and harmony in the body, mind and spirit of your furry friends. This is only one aspect of health, but it is a great beginning, and a wonderful way to connect to your animal and create greater partnership and understanding. Digestively speaking, working regularly with your horse’s energy centers will decrease stress on a physical and emotional level and improve flow and function of the entire digestive tract. Just think positively, keep an open mind, and most importantly have fun!
Disclaimer: Alternative therapies are not meant to replace the care your veterinarian can provide. Alternative therapies is a tool to help in the healing process. All have a choice and a path on this earth and not all will choose to heal. It is absolutely THEIR choice and wishes. There is no guarantee of success in any of the healing arenas.
Personal Ponies is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the belief that the life of a child with disabilities can be immeasurably enriched by having a small pony to love and care for.Gail Schumann, State Director
37 Old Acworth Stage Road
Charlestown, NH 03603
Phone: 603-826-3904
Email: minis2@myfairpoint.net
National Web Site: www.personalponies.org
New Hampshire Director: Gail Schumman