Special Thanks!!!

Over the years we have had many of phone calls, emails, letters, and visitors. Everyone has helped the program in their own way. You have given us the desire to go on, to live dreams and help others. Across the country, Personal Ponies is a very special organization and no one is paid any money for anything they do. It is all volunteer work!!. Without volunteers, Personal Ponies would not be here today. We wish to thank you all for your support, caring, hard work and love that you give to others and the ponies. And all the magic & smiles you have shared.
Maggie Flansbury.... Kristen McGraw.... Elizabeth & Merlin Bean
Kandace & David Ouellette....Connie Quinn....Dolores Hemingway
Jessie Lanagan....Brendan Short
Kelly Fico....
And a very special thank you to Gary R Schumann.... Uwe Gonzales....Eileen (El) Brooks.... 3 Media Web Solutions.... Denise Chasin.... Leigh Bryant.... Poly Kornblith.... Drew Pushlar.
Please join us in spreading more magic & smiles.
Because Personal Ponies is an all-volunteer organization, 100% of your contributions go directly to supporting ponies and kids – so every dollar makes a difference in a child’s life. Also, because Personal Ponies is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, your contributions are tax deductible. You can make a secure donation through PayPal by clicking this donate button:
Personal Ponies is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the belief that the life of a child with disabilities can be immeasurably enriched by having a small pony to love and care for.Gail Schumann, State Director
37 Old Acworth Stage Road
Charlestown, NH 03603
Phone: 603-826-3904
Email: minis2@myfairpoint.net
National Web Site: www.personalponies.org
New Hampshire Director: Gail Schumman